Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 2 Salvador

Up and Down... Wi-Fi!
  by John

Ive got some great video of Salvador, but havent found a good enough wi-fi connection to post them! Please check back later.

Eric has kept me busy tightening bolts, and replacing water pumps, and replacing halyards, and... and...

Luckily, Helena has had time to write! Ill get those videos posted asap.

Ups and Downs
  by Helena

This morning we were all up by 5:00am. We had a quick pancake breakfast cooked by Eric and set to work. Ah, the glamorous life of cruising around the world: by 9:00 am the deck was scrubbed and the cushions washed and I was covered in sweat, mosquito repellent and sun block. The bolts holding the self-steering gear to the stern were tightened and the Captain was safely back on deck after a dangerous dangling up and down the mast. “Time for a beer”, the Captain announced.  Ok, I am about that.

The Captain up the mast; John down below
Between the beer breakfast and lunch we hang-out in the cockpit (back of the boat where the steering wheel is), under the awning (it’s really, really hot here) trying to get some Internet access to prepare papers for Fiona’s customs declaration.

Lunch was a treat prepared by John and after hanging out some more in the cockpit under the awning we took a taxi to Farol da Barra (Barra’s Lighthouse) for the sunset. What a sight! Hope we can post some pictures... people everywhere just walking, singing, waiting for the sunset. We were lucky enough to see it from the top of the lighthouse. A big round of applause indicated that another beautiful day was gone.

The lighthouse

After sundown, with moon

Salvador is built on cliffs, therefore is separated an up- and down-town (literally). After seeing the sunset at the beach we took an elevator ride to uptown. Yes, we took an elevator. The uptown is where the historical part of the town is. We walked around and found a nice local place to eat -- Moon’s Canteen -- with local food, local people and a local band which played local music and spanish salsa. We had a great time.

Music ala Salvador

Tomorrow we will be dealing with the Customs Authority. Good night.

Next Episode: Patience


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