Friday, January 23, 2015

D Minus 3 And Counting

I am so busy trying to clear up business stuff before leaving that I am going to leave this entire blog post to Helena. Whatever she says, I say ditto times two!

Short days, long sleepless nights
  by Helena

Time relativity never stops amazing me. Right now when we want it to slow down, so we can get organized and prepared -- time is flying. I cannot believe we are leaving in 3 days. The days are fast and busy, students, packing, running errands, getting all things around the house set up.

The nights, ah, that’s another story. I keep waking up and of course all I can do is to think about what is coming ahead, and fast approaching. Already awake and then the darn adrenalin kicks in, and then really a good-bye to sleep.

I think about money matters, of course. John and I are autonomous professionals. If we don’t work, we don’t get paid. Taking a 4 week leave is hard on our pockets, but we borrowed, scraped and cleaned our savings for this amazing chance. I’ll worry about it when we come back.

Facing your own mortality... yes, heavy duty thoughts and will keep anybody awake, but it is interesting to think about something that I don’t particularly spend any time worrying about. It makes me consider the life I am living and maybe leaving. It makes me think about values, religion, relationships. Would I make any changes? What if this is a chance to start fresh? or at least a wake-up call? I guess I will have plenty of time to ponder about this issues while looking straight into an endless horizon. It’s a good thing.

By the time I am done with all this thinking and worrying, it’s day-light.

Fionas Location
It feels like Christmas around here. Every day more and more packages arrive containing really cool things... sailing gloves, head light, outdoor videocamera that can sustain up to 100 mile winds (hope we don’t put it to a test), bracket to set camera on the deck, replacement cartridges for the life vest (another item I hope we don’t have to use), entertaining books (hope we get to read them all), knife to cut rope (just in case your foot gets stuck on the rope that is lowering the anchor -- gasp), really cool hat with protective drapery so the sun will not be able to get to my neck, or chin.

Day or night, I did worry most about my business, about coming back to an empty piano studio, abandoned by my customers, having to start all over again.. walking through town and posting flyers on telephone poles. As I tell my students and their parents about my adventure and beg them to wait for me, surprisingly all of them are excited, waiting to read our blog and see the pictures. They share their own sailing and adventure stories. Well, so much for a business, I realized that my relationship with my “customers” is a familiar one, we are happy together. I started a business and ended up with a huge extended family, it can’t get better than that.

To this family, a huge Thank You!

Next Episode: D Minus 60, 59, 58...


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