Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Progress on Coamings
On my previous post you can see how I grafted some additional material to the end of one side of the board. The glue up on the plank turned out fine, although had I planed the board before glue up I might have been able to match up the pattern better. As it happened while I grafted on a piece from the same end the board, it did cross over a very attractive grain pattern. Nonetheless, the joint was clean and tight and I think it looks just fine.

The final thicknessing was done with both 1/4" boards held together so that I was able to accurately thickness down to the 1/2" dimension. Lots of noise, dust and helping hands from my wife and daughter!
The following day, Brian and I attempted to bend the boards into place.

You can see in this next photo the board with the glass epoxied into it where it meets up with the foredeck - an obvious stress point. This is just one laminate - the other half, which also has a glass cloth insert, will cover this entirely.

We had to make up several clamp extensions, as none of my F-Clamps reached more than 6" and the coaming needs clamping in areas wider than this. They are crude but effective - just two lengths of timber separated by a block and wired together, over which a regular clamp is used to apply pressure through the clamp extension legs. We ct a 15deg bevel on one side of the leg, which ensures that the coaming was evenly clamped to the side deck filler.
Once we had one half reasonably fitting, we cut down the edges to size using a batten to create fair lines. This reduced the width of the board making it easier to bend. The epoxied glass cloth worked really well and no sign of crack appearing at the stressed areas. We then cut out the second laminate from the first board, making sure to continue the bevels at the transoms and foredeck - the two halves are not identical.
The glue up went smoothly and the subsequent fitting was easier than when the boards were dry as the epoxy operates as a lubricant initially before it starts to kick.
Here you can see Brian admiring the motley collections of clamps!

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